To eradicate human trafficking in all forms.

It is the purpose of this organization being the “Value of One” to eradicate human trafficking in all forms. We believe every human life is a gift from God and has more value than all the money in the world. We believe that one person’s life and freedom is very sacred, and we will go to great lengths to see those victims rescued.  At The Value of One we  also believe that the individual’s value does not stop at their liberation. The value that this one individual can play in the world is of utmost importance. The most important value is the soul of that one person. For what does it profit a man or a woman to gain the whole world and lose their own soul (Mark 8:36). We believe in the value of one soul being saved by our savior Jesus Christ. For it is the same love with which Jesus saves one soul that motivates us to have this mission and to spread it to the world.